NETIO PowerPDU 8QB is a PDU (Power Distribution Unit) with eight power outputs (8x NEMA 5-15R) controlled and metered over a LAN. It fits into a 19” cabinet (1U). Each output can be switched on/off individually. PowerPDU 8QB supports two channels for electrical measurements: the PDU as a whole (all outputs combined), and the first output separately (All Outputs + 1). A digital input (DI) can be used to control the outputs or count S0 pulses (electricity meter output).
NETIO PowerPDU 8QB can be configured with a web browser (allows output control, connection to NETIO Cloud, Open API communication settings, etc.).
Each output can be turned off and on individually. Output 1 and the whole PDU are metered.
Ready-made AV drivers make it simple to connect the NETIO PDU to professional Audio/Video systems such as BrightSign, Crestron, Control4, Atlona, Qsys, Kramer, RTI, SAVANT, SKAARHOJ, Utelogy and more.
Thanks to the Open API, integration with third-party systems using various protocols (JSON, Modbus/TCP, SNMP, MQTT-flex, Telnet, ...) is easy.
With the NETIO Cloud service, the outputs can be controlled from anywhere. The NETIO Cloud service, provided for a fee, uses SSL security and servers in Europe.
The NETIO Mobile 2 app controls each output individually over LAN (local network).
The PowerUp sequence or power-up delay can be configured for each output.
Mechanical button (dry contact) or an external temperature sensor can be connected to the green DI input. By pressing a button or a temperature value, the defined output(s) can be switched using C&R (Condition & Rules) conditions.
Typical applications
- Several PowerPDU 8QB units are typically used in IT data-centers for electricity distribution in a 19" rack (cabinet). Vertical or horizontal montage is available.
- With using external T1 temperature sensor can be used thermostat feature to ativate additional cooling in case of too high temperature.
- High temperature email alerting via NETIO Cloud can be realized in case of high temperature with external T1 temperature sensor.
- Saving energy in meeting rooms (Scheduler switches equipment on/off at predefined time).
- Controlling the power (to TV sets, audio systems, lighting) from various AV systems in stores, smart homes, museums, digital signage applications.
AV drivers for integration
NETIO products can be used together with plenty 3rd party software / hardware or cloud services.
- Atlona
- BrightSign media player (BrightAuthor]
- Crestron (SIMPL blocks)
- Control4
- Cue
- Domotz
- Elgato Stream Deck
- HW group (Perseus platform)
- Kramer (K-Config)
- PIXILAB Blocks
- Utelogy
- and many more
>> More about Integration partners (3rd party)
Documents to download
![]() Video Flyer
Flyer PDF |
![]() |
Remote restarting
Switch On / Off or Restart (short Off) each output using these methods:
- From the device website
- From the NETIO Cloud (web service).
- From NETIO Mobile 2 (Mobile App) over LAN or NETIO Cloud (web service)
- By external mechanical switch (dry contact) connected to DI input.
- Using build in Week-Scheduler function you can define several On/Off intervals per each output.
- With build in PING WatchDog function, you can restart any LAN device when not responding to PINGs from NETIO PDU (Device frozen)
- With build in Power consumption WatchDog function, you can restart any device powered from metered NETIO PDU output. Device frozen / sleeping / IDLE mode is detected by power consumption drop for several time.
- Using AV drivers you can control Outputs from many Audio Video SW (Crestron, Control4, Kramer, BrightSign, …)
- There are plenty Open APIs (protocols) to control outputs / meter power consumption.
- For example: JSON or XML over HTTP, SNMP v1 or v3, Modbus/TCP, MQTT, URL-API and others.
- Using Windows executable PyNetio swtich / Toggle any NETIO output(s) from the Windows Desktop.
- More: AN37 Outputs sequence started by Windows desktop icon (.bat file)
NETIO PowerPDU 8QB measures electrical parameters – at the input for the device as a whole (All Outputs) as well as at the first output (Output 1). Measured values are displayed in the web administration interface and at the same time are accessible via Open API protocols. NETIO PowerPDU 8QB measures with accuracy better than 1%.
Parameters measured for the whole device:
- Grid frequency [Hz]
- Electrical voltage [V]
- Total current [A]
- Total power [W]
- Overall TruePF [-])
- Overall phase shift [°]
- Total energy [kWh]
- Total reverse energy [kWh]
Parameters measured for output 1:
- Current [A]
- Power [W]
- TruePF [-]
- Phase shift [°]
- Energy [Wh]
- Reverse energy [Wh]
>> More about electrical measurements
The DI can be connected to a button (dry contact) or used as a S0 pulse counter for reading energy consumption from an external electricity meter.
The DI state and the S0 counter value are shown in the web interface and accessible over Open API.
- Digital input (DI): 1x input (contact) + S0 counter (4 bytes)
- Power for DI: 12V power (max 50mA)
>> More about DI (Digital Input)
External sensors
One external sensor can be connected to each DI (Digital Input). Only original NETIO sensors are supported.
- External temperature sensor NETIO T1 (IP67 probe, 3m cable, -20℃ to +80 ℃)
Output switching based on DI state (sensor value).
With using the CR (Condition & Rules) can be local condition executed in the PDU to control one or more outputs based on DI current state or measured sensor value. Check the Condition & Rules in Glossary:.
>> More about DI (Digital Input)
NETIO PDUs have implemented HTTPs security.
The HTTPs is supported both for the WEB interface and for Open API protocols (JSON, XML). A customer certificate can be used.
AV drivers
We can offer you drivers (integrated device support) for these AV (Audio Video) platforms:
These integrations / drivers can be free or paid. It's individual..
Drivers not tested by NETIO products, but provided by community are listed on
>> More about Integration partners (3rd party)
Open API (M2M protocols)
- SNMP v1 AN11, AN41
- SNMP v3
- MQTT-flex AN40
- Telnet AN10
- Modbus/TCP AN27, AN22, AN37
- JSON over HTTP AN21, AN30, AN42
- XML over HTTP AN20, AN31
- URL API (http get) AN19, AN29
- HTTP(s) Push JSON
- HTTP(s) Push XML
Regardless of the Open API used, the PowerPDU 8QB can always be controlled from its web interface and at the same time from the NETIO Cloud service. The customer can use the NETIO Cloud service and one Open API protocol at the same time.
- ANxx – Application Notes
- NETIO Wiki (for programmers):
- Download the NETIO Open API description: Download page
Industrial product quality
- Open M2M API
- Wide operating temperature range
- PowerUp state – defined output state after power-up
- PowerUp delay – outputs switched on after a delay
- Input current up to 16A (output current max 10A / output)
- Low internal consumption
- Firmware upgradeable over the web, backwards compatibility
- Very accurate electrical measurements, each unit is factory-calibrated
- IOC – Independent Output Control
- ZVS – Zero Voltage Switching
ZVS controls the exact time when the mechanical relay contacts close and open. The relay contacts switch the output on or off when the voltage crosses the zero level.
- In the long term, ZVS support reduces the product failure rate due to internal relay damage.
- Since the relay switches when the sinusoidal voltage waveform crosses the zero level, negative effects of inrush current are significantly reduced.
- The ZVS and PowerUp delay functions reduce the chance of circuit breakers tripping when power is restored after an outage.
- ZVS extends the lifetime of connected equipment, especially in case of frequent on/off switching of devices that are not designed for that (such as switching power supplies).
- Each output can have its own schedule
- When a schedule is active, outputs can still be controlled with NETIO Cloud, the web interface and Open API
- Scheduler functionality can be enabled/disabled (not edited) for each output from the NETIO Mobile 2 app.
- Scheduler does not need an internet connection. However, a time source is needed – provided over the internet or, for example, by a local ADSL / WiFi router.
- For special usage the Scheduler can be combined with PAB (Power Analyze Blocks):
- Switching time is based on current sunrise/sunset based on your location
- Whatever happend, defined output can be switched off on defined time (midnight for example).
- Ask for more..
>> More information about the Scheduler
- On
- Off
- LAST state restores the last state before the power was disconnected
Delay sequence when switching outputs on (PowerUp delay)
After a power outage, some electrical equipment can be switched on with a delay to avoid overloading and tripping circuit breakers. With the PowerPDU 8QB, use these parameters: “Power-Up state” = ON / LAST, and “Output PowerUp interval” = power-up delay before switching that particular output on.
WatchDog Ping + Power

PowerPDU 8QB is equipped with WatchDog PING (IP WatchDog) and WatchDog Power consumption (PAB).
- WatchDog Ping continuously monitors whether a given process or a part of a system work as they should. If not, the WatchDog restarts the process. Can be used for all 8 outputs.
- WatchDog Power is "Condition" & "Action" (PAB - Power Analysis Block & Rules) based autonomous system. It continuously monitors current (energy) of monitored device powered from any metered power output of NETIO PDU device.
Only Output1 supports energy metering, so this feature can be used with Output1 only.
>> Glossary: WatchDog PING (IP WatchDog)
>> Glossary: WatchDog - Power consumption (PAB)
The product can be connected to NETIO Cloud. Control even over 100 outputs from a single web screen!
NETIO Cloud is an ideal solution for remote control and restarting. It is accessible via any web browser:
- All devices produced by the NETIO products company can be connected to NETIO Cloud.
- With every added device you receive free "Welcome Credit"
- Remote PDU output control (from NETIO Mobile App or NETIO Cloud service website)
- Multi-user feature for sharing devices in one company account
- The User Rights (roles) can be defined for access control
- PDU Connection Alert feature sends email notifications for PDU disconnections (connection or power failure).
- Grouping and sub-group structure of PDUs (folders structure)
- NETIO Mobile 2 App (Apple / Android) with user rights management
- Open API (MQTT) to the company account of NETIO Cloud
- The Historical Power Measurement Data can be downloaded
- Remote firmware upgrade
- 2 Factor Authentication
- NETIO Cloud can be used in parallel with most of another Open API protocols.
- Communication of PDU with the cloud service is secured (port 8883 - MQTTs - TLS).
The NETIO Cloud service is SaaS (online service). On-premise version of the cloud service is available for projects.