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Soon, you can look forward to new NETIO PDUs with US socket type B. Find out which products will be available.


NETIO Team is off and recharging due to national holiday on 5. 7. 2024.


We have sad news for you.:( Our beloved PowerPDU 4C is coming to its end. It will be replaced by our PowerPDU 4KS.


We are thrilled to announce that our NETIO PowerPDU 4PS and NETIO PowerPDU 4KS have now achieved ACMA certification for Australia and New Zealand!


NETIO will make a debut at InfoComm 2024 with its UL certified PDUs! Come and meet them at the booth C10015 on June 12 - 14, 2024 in Las Vegas.


Our PowerPDU 4KS and PowerPDU 4PS are now UL certified and we are entering the US market.


Our online service NETIO Cloud newly offers feature SSO (Single Sign On) which helps you up the security of your organization. Read more.


Using our mobile app NETIO Mobile 2 either for iOS or for Andriod? Share your thoughts and rate it on App Store or Play Store! Read more.


Meet our NETIO Team in Frankfurt at Data Centre World  22 - 23 May 2024. Read More.


The second video manual for NETIO Cloud is now out on our YouTube channel. Learn how to navigate the NETIO Cloud and its dashboard.

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