NETIO Cloud - public demo
- Create your own account to control your NETIO devices.
Web access to NETIO Cloud online demo required login „demo@netio.eu“ / „demodemo“
- Some of here listed NETIO devices are connected to NETIO Cloud public demo account
- WEB communication with NETIO Cloud secured by: https
- NETIO devices communication with NETIO Cloud secured by: MQTTS
>> https://cloud.netio-products.com
Online demos for NETIO devices
The online demo cannot be reconfigured (any configuration changes cannot be saved). Therefore, it is not possible to try certain functions, such as M2M MQTT communication or Lua scripts. However, most M2M protocols can be tested.
Different devices have different configurations (e.g. enabled/disabled HTTPs support and so on).
These different configurations allow the users to try various features, such as password protection or communication on a non-default http port.
- Web access required login „demo“ / „demo“
- Active protocol: JSON
- There is only one M2M protocol available in this device for testing. You can't change M2M settings on the online demo of this device.
- Online demo can be unavailable or slower - see Device accessability
>> http://powerpdu-8qs.netio-products.com
- HTTPS for both ports (secure communication)
- Web port: 80, M2M port: 8080
- Web access required login „demo“ / „demo“
- There is no M2M API password for reading
- For writing (changing the output states), the M2M API password is “demo”
- SNMP v3, the password for writing (changing the output states) is “demo”
>> http://netio-4c.netio-products.com
- Input 1 is connected to Output 3 (for input testing purposes)
- Active protocol: JSON
- Web access required login „demo“ / „demo“
>> http://powerdin-4pz.netio-products.com:22888/
NETIO PowerCable 2KZ
- Web access required login „demo“ / „demo“
- Active protocol: JSON
- There is only one M2M protocol available in this device for testing. You can't change M2M settings on the online demo of this device.
- Online demo can be unavailable or slower - see Device accessability
>> http://powercable-2kz.netio-products.com
NETIO PowerCable 2PZ
- Web access required login „demo“ / „demo“
- Active protocol: JSON
- There is only one M2M protocol available in this device for testing. You can't change M2M settings on the online demo of this device.
- Online demo can be unavailable or slower - see Device accessability
>> http://powercable-2pz.netio-products.com/
NETIO PowerCable REST 101x
- Web access required login „demo“ / „demo“
- Active protocol: JSON
- There is only one M2M protocol available in this device for testing. You can't change M2M settings on the online demo of this device.
- Online demo can be unavailable or slower - see Device accessability
>> http://pc-rest.netio-products.com:22888
- Active protocol: SNMP v1
- There is only one M2M protocol available in this device for testing. You can't change M2M settings on the online demo of this device.
- Web access required login „demo“ / „demo“
- Online demo can be unavailable or slower - see Device accessability
>> http://powerpdu-4ps.netio-products.com:22888
- Active protocol: JSON
- There is only one M2M protocol available in this device for testing. You can't change M2M settings on the online demo of this device.
- Web access required login „demo“ / „demo“
- Online demo can be unavailable or slower - see Device accessability
>> http://powerbox-3px.netio-products.com:22888
- Active protocol: XML
- For reading, no password required. For writing (output changes): User: netio; pass: demo
- There is only one M2M protocol available in this device for testing. You can't change M2M settings on the online demo of this device.
- Web access required login „demo“ / „demo“
- Online demo can be unavailable or slower - see Device accessability
>> http://powerbox-4kx.netio-products.com/
NETIO PowerCable MQTT 101x (obsolete)
- Web access required login „demo“ / „demo“
- Active protocol: MQTT – Reading and writting can be tested with HiveMQ broker – see AN40
- There is only one M2M protocol available in this device for testing. You can't change M2M settings on the online demo of this device.
- Online demo can be unavailable or slower - see Device accessability
>> http://pc-mqtt.netio-products.com:22888
NETIO PowerCable Modbus 101x (obsolete)
- Web access required login „demo“ / „demo“
- Active protocol: Modbus/TCP
- There is only one M2M protocol available in this device for testing. You can't change M2M settings on the online demo of this device.
- Online demo can be unavailable or slower - see Device accessability
>> http://pc-modbus.netio-products.com:22888
NETIO 4All (obsolete)
- Web port: 80, M2M port: 8080 (both http)
- Web access required login „demo“ / „demo“
- There is no M2M API password for reading or writing (changing the output states)
- SNMP version 1 = read-only
>> http://netio-4all.netio-products.com
NETIO 4 (obsolete)
- Web port: 80, M2M port: 8080 (both http)
- Web access required login „demo“ / „demo“
- There is no M2M API password for reading the output states
- For writing (changing the output states), the M2M API password is “demo”
- SNMP version 1 = read-only
>> http://netio-4.netio-products.com
Device accessability:
Online demos of some devices (PowerCable xxx, PowerBOX 3Px, PowerPDU 4PS, ..) can sometimes be unavailable or respond very slowly. This is caused by a heavy load from various robots searching public Internet and other users.
When you buy your own device everything will work properly inside your internal network.