NETIO devices include their own web server and can be configured over the web interface.

Via web interface you can:
- The web interface can be used to switch off / switch on / restart any individual power output
- Power metering data are visible
- The Scheduler function can be configured over the Web (for each output)
- The WatchDog function can be configured over the Web (for each output)
- The PowerUp state and PowerUp delay can be configured (for each output)
- The Open API communication is configured over the web
- The web interface can be used to write / insert custom Lua scripts
- The web interface includes an event log
- The web interface can be used to configure daily reporting by e-mail
- The firmware can be updated via the web (file upload / 1-click online firmware update)
- The web interface is used to configure the Network mode (LAN / WiFi / WiFi AP)
- Multiple users with individual rights access can be set