
Interested in IoT? Do you plan applications that require reliable wireless connectivity that covers even remote locations in buildings, basements, busy production halls, etc.? Do you need to communicate bi-directionally with devices, not only to collect data, but also to control or upgrade these devices?


We invite you to a series of online webinars that take place every two weeks on Thursdays and meet manufacturers of IoT devices or services you can use in your IoT networks.

  1. IQRF Ecosystem - How IoT can help you (IQRF Alliance) - 26.9.
  2. IoT Gateways and PIXLA - remote management software (RehiveTech) - 10.10.
  3. Indoor air-quality monitoring (Protronix) - 24.10.
  4. POC - predictive maintenance and air quality monitoring (Hardwario) - 7.11.
  5. Applications for Wireless connected power sockets (Netio products) - 21.11.
  6. Hexio IoT Platform (Hexio) - 5.12.
  7. Connecting an IQRF network to the IBM Cloud & Node-RED (JoTio Tech) - 9.1.
  8. Management of an IoT network using a mobile app (Master Internet) - 23.1.
  9. IQRF Clickboards (Mikroelektronika) - 6.2.

Czech part (webinars 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8): 10 AM - 11 AM (Prague timezone)
English part (all webinars): 1 PM - 2 PM (London timezone)



Webinar record:



NETIO webinar:

  • Metering and remote switching power is universal need across many business. NETIO produce networked power sockets (LAN/WiFi/IQRF) since 2016.
  • We realized applications from pharmaceutical laboratories to datacenter monitoring.
  • This webinar will be about applications and business cases. No technical features and details.
  • When: 21.11.2019, 1PM-2PM (London timezone)


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